Mt. Calvary Music
Welcome to our music archive. Here you will find music performed by our choir or specials at Mt. Calvary Independent Baptist Church. If you are looking for specific content such as a certain song or singer try using search at the top of the page or the tags or site map links at the bottom of the page for help.
"A Hill Called Mount Calvary" by the Choir
The Choir sings "A Hill Called Mount Calvary"
"Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)'' by Dianne Tester
Dianne Tester sings "Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)"
"Angels We Have Heard On High" by the Choir
The Choir sings "Angels We Have Heard On High"
"Are You Washed In The Blood" by the Choir
The Choir sings "Are You Washed In The Blood"
"Beautiful Star Of Bethlehem" by the Choir
The Choir sings "Beautiful Star Of Bethlehem"
"Blessed Be The Name" by the Choir
The Choir sings "Blessed Be The Name"
"Blowin' Away" by Chuck Herndon
Chuck Herndon sings "Blowin' Away"
"Boundless Love" by the Choir
The Choir sings "Boundless Love"
"Closer To You" by Bobbie Freeman
Bobbie Freeman sings "Closer To You"
"Come Ye Thankful People" by the Choir
The Choir sings "Come Ye Thankful People"
"Coronation Day" by Charles and Patsy Williams
Charles and Patsy Williams sing "Coronation Day"
"Count Your Blessings" by the Choir
The Choir sings "Count Your Blessings"
"Didn't I Walk On The Water" by Erica Gaulden
Erica Gaulden sings "Didn't I Walk On The Water"
"Even In The Valley" by Dianne Tester
Dianne Tester sings "Even In The Valley"
"Faith Of Our Fathers" by the Choir
The Choir sings "Faith Of Our Fathers"
"Gave It All" by Lexi and Lindsey Auman
Lexi and Lindsey Auman sing "Gave It all to the Lord"
"Glory To His Name" by Frankie Wilson
Frankie Wilson sings "Glory To His Name"
"Go Tell It On The Mountain" by the Choir
The Choir sings "Go Tell It On The Mountain"